Tuesday 2 July 2013


BLA (Balochistan Liberation Army) Is A Terrorist Organization

Balochistan Liberation Army was declared a terrorist organisation in Pakistan in April 2006, after a series of attacks conducted by the group targeting security personnel, civilians and journalists.
On 17 July 2006, the government of the United Kingdom listed the BLA as a "proscribed group" based on the terrosim act 2000, The group's actions have been described as Terrosim by the United State Department State.
however, BLA itself has not been declared as a terrorist organization either by US or EU
Pakistani authorities allege that the BLA is funded by the government of India
 Advisor to Pakistani prime minister on Interior, Rehman A. Malik on Wednesday informed the Upper House of the Parliament that India is backing the Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) for fuelling insurgency in the province and creating unrest.Winding up debate on an adjournment motion, to discuss the Balochistan situation in the wake of a recent killing of three Baloch leaders in Turbat, Rehman Malik said "BLA was raised and funded by Russia during Soviet-Afghan war when Pakistan was supporting Afghans and now India is backing its activities." "BLA remained dormant since the Afghan war ended, but it was reactivated after killing of Nawab Akbar Bugti, whose grandson Barhamdagh Bugti has openly sought Indian and American support for independence of Balochistan in a recent interview," he added. He said that Indian consulate in Iranian city, bordering Balochistan, was also involved in activities other than granting visa to people.The BLA Chief Barhamdagh Bugti, in his recent interview to a Pakistani channel has openly sought Indian support for independence of Balochistan, he added."Barhamdagh Bugti is residing in Kabul just five kilometer away from President Karzai's palace and Pakistan has continuously been asking the Afghan government for access to Barhamdagh," he said.However, he said, the Afghan Government has been denying Bugti's presence in Afghanistan, though Pakistan repeatedly raised it with Afghanistan that their soil was being used against Pakistan.It is to be mentioned here that Pakistan blames Balochistan Liberation Army—a terrorist organisation being funded by India, for terrorist activities in Balochistan province.Meanwhile the Upper House of Pakistani Parliament decided to hold an in-camera session to discuss Balochistan situation on Thursday (today).The decision was made during the winding up speech of Advisor on Interior Rehman Malik when he was reading out some secret documents before the House.Couple of members described it not in favor of the country and its relations with the neighbors. Malik proposed an in-camera session to inform the members on role of the neighboring countries in fueling insurgency in the province.The House then decided with a consensus to meet in-camera Thursday at 1230 hours.During his speech Malik had mentioned some of the developments regarding Brahamdagh Bugti, kidnapping of John Solecki and killing of three Baloch leaders in Turbat.PML-N Chairman Senator Raja Zafarul Haq objected on grounds that the Advisor must care for limitations and the country's relation with its neighbors."Every government has a right to defend itself but it is not necessary that all information it has, is always correct. When a minister issues a statement he should be cognisant of his limitation in broader regional perspective and its relations with neighbors," he said.He said the minister was discussing all the neighbors and was even reading out the secret letters. "Let his statement not create problems for the country. We need to keep our national interest supreme," he said.Senator Prof Sajid Mir also demanded to disclose the activities of all the countries involved in destabilizing Pakistan. "Let we also not give a clean chit to America, and if they are also involved, we need to name them."Senator Haroon Akhter also supported Prof Sajid Mir's stance and said, "If any country is involved in destabilizing Pakistan, we should not be shy to name it."After the debate the matter was put before the House that unanimously agreed to hold an in-camera session on the Balochistan situation today

Shah asserted that Pakistani intelligence agencies had credible evidence of foreign support to the BLA. “The organisation is being financed from certain foreign sources,” he added. 

He said the BLA had training camps at secret locations to train operatives to conduct sabotage. Security forces have destroyed some of these camps. According to intelligence reports, Baloch Marri, the son of Nawab Khair Baksh Marri, heads the BLA. Balochistan police chief Chaudhry Mohammad Yaqub Yaqub told AFP that Balach would now lose his seat in the Balochistan Assembly.
This is the first nationalist group to be declared as terrorist. In the past the government has declared several religious extremist groups as terrorist outfits.The interior ministry said in a statement "BLA is an amorphous, underground organization which was born in the Balochistan University during the cold war era."
"Extremists, left-leaning students of the Baloch Students Organization (BSO) were its most important component," the statement added.
Talking to reporters here, Pakistan Interior Minister, Aftab Ahmad Khan Sherpao said Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) was involved in anti-state activities and action will be taken against its masterminds. "Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) was under close watch and its activities were being monitored".

This is flag of balochistan liberation army...

BLA leaders  Faiz Baloch & hyrbyair marri

LONDON, Feb 12 (APP): A British court has acquitted two  human rights activists, Hyrbyair Marri and Faiz Baloch of terrorism charges. Woolwich Crown Court in south east London dropped all charges against Faiz Baloch while co‑defendant Hyrbyair Marri was acquitted of three charges, with the jury unable to come to a verdict on the other two charges.
“All the evidence suggests that Marri and Baloch were framed by the Musharraf government.
Earlier, last month, Pakistan High Commissioner Wajid Shamsul Hasan told media that the present democratic government was no longer pursuing this case after the announcement of reconciliation process in Balochistan by the Pakistani leadership

India , america and israel are backing them..
They Attacks on Army, civilians and historical places..
Recently few days ago they attacted on Quaid E Azam Resdency in Ziarat..
Quaid E Azam Spent his last days there..

This is View of  Jinnah Residency Ziarat

And This View Is After Attack

The residence of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah at the idyllic hill station of Ziarat, which was considered a national heritage, was razed to the ground in a bomb attack claimed by an outlawed Baloch separatist group, Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) early Saturday.
“The wooden house at Ziarat was a symbol of slavery as it was built for the colonial British officer Sir Robert Groves Sandeman who ruled Balochistan until his death in 1892,” Akram Shah, the general secretary of Pashtoonkhwa Milli Awami Party (PkMAP), told The Express Tribune.

And now many baloch stand aginst the BLA...
 They made many organizations Like

Baloch tribals fighting against BLA terrorists 

Baloch Fundamental Army

These are the Balochs that represent Balochistan, not the BSO-BLA-BLF shit-bag

Read about Commander Baloch Fundamental Army Zakria Hasni Baloch. 

While you ignore your unsung heroes who die for you in Baluchistan, those Patriotic Balochs who are never given any tribute by your media, they fight and they die but never complain to keep sacrificing as they dont only love Pakistan, they love it more than their lives. 

These are the true Balochs. Zakira's Father was fatally murdered by B.L.A because he didn't remove Pakistani flag, one morning they came and shot his father and burnt the Pakistani flag. Zakira, from that point armed himself and formed a patriotic Pakistani militia and went to take revenge, he sent some hundreds of BLA animals to hell in Khuzdar which is clear from terrorists now, then he went to the same place and raised Pakistani Flag. This is what you call the Spirit of Patriotism.

They fight against the bla because they know very well that BLA is only one who create the terrorist activities in balochistan. and then they accused on pak army..

here is few pic of terrorist activites in balochistan by BLA

Because of these activities peoples stand agianst the BLA..
peolpes know very well BLA is terrorist organization.
But Probaly they  dont know we are pakistani..
we can die for our country and also we can kill the enemy who bark against the our beloved country
pakistan is ALLAH's gift.. So no one can eradicate this nation
Much has been said about the pakistan that it will be in many nation but they dont know pakistan made for led to the muslims of world..
Pakistan is Gift of  ALLAH to muslims..

Now here i show the few pictures of balochs, who protesting against the BLA..

it clearly appeared that balochs are not with the BLA... They Protest against the BLA At khuzdar 2/12/12

This crowd tell us that how much they love to pakistan. But our currupt media dont show this type of things.

This is a balochi girl doing protest against the dogs (BLA)

Baloch Students Wing protesting against BLA

They want that BLA should leave the balochistan and stop killing the innocent peoples of balochistan

Balochistan Mutahda mahaz does strongly Condemn on attack on the Quaid e Azam Residency in ziarat

Still you think that baloch want to freedom from pakistan ???
if you stilll think like that so what will you say about this girl ?? why she protesting against the bla ??

Now look at this picture..

they showing their love for pakistan and salute the national flag♥♥

This is not  karachi.. This is not Lahore.. This is not Islamabad..

This is Dera Bughti.. It is in Balochistan


I feel proud that i'm pakistani♥♥♥

Because we are that who want to peace everywhere♥♥
We are that who believe In One GOD
We are peace maker... Not the Broker..
I Love my country more than myself... so i cant bear anything which are against my beloved country
There are many countries who want to distroy us... but they will not success in thier mission..
because pakistanies became united..

and here i want to say to indian Raw and other agencies 
Your dogs are captured red handed 
you are totally failed in your mission..
But we are still silent. it doesnt mean that we can not take any action against your terrorist activities in pakistan 
We will take revenge.. but not now..
one day we will occupied on india.. 
beacuse it is in muslims destiny..
It is a hadith about the ghazva e hindh

"Muslims will occupied on india"

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